
Heavy Construction
$ 36 0.61
Share price
$ 6.2 bn
Market Cap
$ 5 bn
Enterprise Value

Carbon footprint

9.4 Ton
GHG emissions per $ 1 mln investment
0.28x the weighted average for S&P 500
How is this calculated?
YOY change in GHG emissions
Stronger than the -11% weighted average for S&P 500
FY2020 vs. previous year

Primary Climate Goal

This company has not set a company-wide target for an absolute reduction in GHG emissions yet

GHG emissions and Carbon intensity

Fluor's GHG emissions (location-based) (Kt of CO2e)

Fluor's carbon footprint

Fluor reported Total CO2e Emissions - Location-Based Scope 1 + Scope 2 for the twelve months ending 31 December 2020 at 47 Kt (-13 /-21.3% y-o-y).

Fluor's Scope 3 emissions plunged to 11 Kt (-23 /-68.7% y-o-y). The decline accelerated compared to the CAGR of -34.8% since 4Q'18.

The company has not set a company-wide target for an absolute reduction in GHG emissions yet.

Company environmental metrics

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